Shontere Restoration, Inc.

Family Owned & Operated for over 45 years

Great Results Begin with Shontere Restoration!

Shontere Restoration has serviced the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) extended service area since 1978. We are a small company of close-knit and skilled individuals striving to provide the best restoration services possible.  We continue to advance and improve our techniques and service to satisfy our continually growing list of clients.

Shontere Restoration’s methods are based on vintage quality restoration done by hand. All of the techniques used are adjusted to fully correct any issues yet maintain the character, charisma, and value of the individual piece. Our continuing efforts to hone and improve our skills and knowledge have allowed us to maintain diversified abilities.

Shontere Restoration remains an admired and respected restoration company. Projects have included museum direct restoration and consultations along with embassy projects and extending to the White House and beyond. Our techniques are adjusted to restore all types, ages and quality of furniture items.

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